green tea_ Everything you want to know about green tea

 Benefits of green tea .. Know what you get from one cup :

Green tea is made from non-oxidized leaves, in addition to being the least processed type, so it contains tremendous benefits, the most important of which is its high amount of antioxidants and beneficial polyphenols.

Among the most prominent benefits of green tea:

  • Detoxification
  • Fat loss
  • Cancer protection
  • Reducing the risk of heart disease
  • Improving brain function
  • Reducing bad breath
  • Preventing diabetes
  • Protection from Alzheimer's
Certainly there are many other benefits of green tea, the most popular drink in Asian countries famous for their longevity and health. We will provide you with all the benefits of green tea, stay tuned.
What is green tea?

The tea comes from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis bush. The plant comes in two types, one that grows in China and is used for green and white tea. The second type of bush found in India and is used for both Chinese black tea and black tea.
Of the four teas, green tea contains the most flavonoids which are phytosanitary antioxidant chemicals. Green tea is the least oxidized when processed, which is why it has been touted as the most beneficial.
Benefits of green tea :
Green tea contains a high percentage of antioxidants, which in turn help the body obtain many benefits, including the following:
1. Burning fat: speeding up your metabolism is a sure way to feel better, and when your bodily systems are working at the highest capacity, this is an added benefit for general health, and this is what green tea does in order to increase fat burning, meaning that after drinking a cup of green tea Your blood will flow better, your heart will pump at the rate it should, and your digestive system will work in the right way, which helps it prevent fat from accumulating.
2. Fights some types of cancer: Green tea may fight cancer thanks to its large amount of antioxidants, which in turn fight free radicals. Among the most prominent types of cancer that can be prevented thanks to green tea (mouth, kidneys, pancreas, stomach, mammary glands, etc.).
3. Helps in weight loss: Green tea helps you lose weight, thus getting rid of the fats accumulated in certain areas of the body. In a study conducted on overweight people, the results were that weight and waist circumference decreased among those who consumed moderate amounts of tea. the green.
4. Fights cardiovascular disease: Green tea can affect cholesterol levels that play a role in conditions such as stroke and heart attacks, which means that consuming green tea works to reduce cardiovascular disease.
5. It prevents type 2 diabetes: Type 2 diabetes is one of the most famous diseases around the world. This may be due to the current diets, but thanks to green tea, insulin sensitivity in the blood is reduced, and blood sugar levels are also reduced, which is one of the The causes of diabetes.
6. The benefits of green tea for oral health: Oral health is very important, as some diseases stem from the lack of care for the teeth and gums, but drinking a cup of green tea fights harmful mouth bacteria, by means of catechins.
7. Brain protection: The catechins present in green tea provide many benefits, and it has also been shown to protect nerve cells in the brain, reduce cognitive impairment and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.
8. Helps stimulate the brain: The caffeine in green tea acts as a stimulant, thus improving brain functions, including reaction time, mood and productivity.
9. Fight infections: It has been proven that the flavonoids in green tea fight infections in the body, because the component epigallocatechin gallate in green tea has anti-inflammatory effects and protects the cell's DNA, and there are also anti-viral, bacterial and fungal properties that also work against infections.
10. Protection from bone loss: Studies indicate that drinking green tea may stimulate minerals in the body, which in turn contribute to the formation and protection of bones, and there may be additional protection against osteoporosis due to bone strengthening.
Benefits of green tea for the skin :
Antioxidants are the best way to help your skin fight the signs of aging from lines and wrinkles, as they work to reduce inflammation and free radicals that accelerate skin aging. Green tea is an especially valuable ingredient when it comes to antioxidants because it contains EGCG, one of the most powerful and hard-to-find antibodies that combats the effects of pollution, sun damage and chemicals.
Among the most important benefits of green tea for skin are the following:
1. It reduces peeling: Environmental factors such as cold weather cause white flakes on the skin of the skin, this means that the skin is dry to a great extent, which causes peeling and irritation. Green tea removes these scales by deeply moisturizing the skin and stimulating skin cells with antioxidants.
How to use:
  • Mix about 2 tablespoons of green tea with one tablespoon of honey.
  • Apply the mixture to your skin for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse your skin with cold water.
  • Continue to recipe twice a week.
2. Anti-aging: The antioxidants present in green tea are excellent in combating premature aging. Free radical damage is one of the main causes of premature aging, which is made worse by an unhealthy diet combined with smoking and environmental factors such as pollution.
The antioxidants in green tea eliminate free radicals that can cause fine lines and wrinkles, as they are effective in rejuvenating dying skin cells, giving dull skin a healthier glow.
Green tea is also rich in Vitamin B and Vitamin E, which are two compounds essential for healthy skin. Vitamin B helps maintain collagen production, which increases skin elasticity. Collagen is one of the leading compounds in anti-aging products, as it tightens the skin and prevents wrinkles. Vitamin E helps promote cell regeneration, this vitamin moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
How to use
  • Combine 4 tablespoons of cold green tea, 2 tablespoons of pure pomegranate juice, 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel, and half a teaspoon of cornstarch.
  • Heat the ingredients in the microwave for a minute.
  • Let it cool down and transfer to a clean cosmetic box.
  • Apply a small amount of gel to the skin every night before bed.
3. Treats oily skin: Green tea contains tannins, which are vital molecules that bind to amino acids in the body, in addition to containing naturally astringent compounds. This means it works directly as a cleanser to unify the appearance of the skin, shrink pores and reduce clogging.
Antioxidants also regulate sebum production, which is a natural skin oil, and people with oily skin tend to produce a lot of sebum, which leads to clogged pores and acne. Most oily skin products aim to remove excess oil from the surface of the skin, but green tea targets the root cause by reducing oil production in the skin cells.
How to use
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of green tea with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and honey with 1 tablespoon of hazelnut powder, 3 drops of vitamin E, 4 drops of tea tree oil and a tablespoon of baking soda.
  • Mix well and store in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
  • Wash your face and allow it to dry before applying toner with a cotton ball.
  • Allow the toner to dry before applying moisturizer or makeup.

4. Clogged pores: Acne is one of the main skin problems that most people suffer from, and it may be difficult to get rid of pimples and skin infections. Green tea is an effective acne treatment that helps reduce pores and get rid of blackheads and pimples without serious side effects.
Researchers confirm that green tea is effective in treating acne thanks to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, as it removes bacteria that can clog pores and reduce the appearance of existing pimples.
How to use:
  • Boil the green tea powder or the bags at a temperature between 160 to 180 Fahrenheit, to avoid killing the healthy compounds.
  • Let the green tea cool down to room temperature.
  • Use a spray bottle to spray green tea on your face or simply pour some into your sterilized hands.
  • Leave the tea on your face to dry.
  • Rinse it off with cold water and pat dry before applying moisturizer
5. Scrub: Green tea leaves can be used to gently exfoliate the skin, as the exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells that can make the skin look dull and lifeless.
The exfoliation process also helps stimulate the production of new skin cells for a glowing look, and dried green tea leaves provide the perfect texture to gently remove dead skin. The antioxidants in the tea leaves also help remove excess oils and dirt that can cause pimples.
How to use:
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of dried green tea leaves or 3 green tea bags.
  • Mix with 1 cup raw sugar, half a cup of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of organic honey.
  • Store it in a dark, airtight glass container.
  • Apply a generous amount and massage with gentle circular motions.
  • Rinse well and pat dry.
6. Reduces swelling and redness: Green tea contains moderate amounts of caffeine, which works by constricting blood vessels. This helps reduce the look of puffy eyes and dark circles, and caffeine also lightens the complexion. What results in a radiant and rejuvenated look.
How to use:
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of ground coffee, 1 tablespoon of green tea leaves, 4 ounces of grape seed oil, 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil with 10 drops of grapefruit seed oil and 10 drops of lavender oil.
  • Heat all ingredients over low heat, stirring constantly, until the coffee melts.
  • Pour the liquid through a coffee filter into a medium-sized bottle.
  • Then use the liquid as a toner on the face and neck every evening.

7. Protects the skin from the sun: We have focused on how to apply green tea topically to protect the skin, but we cannot exclude the benefits of drinking one or two cups a day, as drinking a few cups of green tea a day can help reduce sun damage caused by ultraviolet rays. Violet.
In one study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, consuming green tea was found to reduce redness and inflammation associated with sun exposure, in addition to increasing levels of benzoic acid - a major compound used to treat skin irritation caused by burns or conditions such as eczema. Drinking green tea may help reduce the appearance of age spots caused by sun damage and prevent certain forms of skin cancer.
Benefits of green tea with lemon :

Green tea with lemon and honey is a great low-calorie, high-nutrition elixir, it is a great drink that helps with weight loss, skin, hair and overall health.
Green tea with honey and lemon is easy to prepare, all you have to do is boil a cup of water and add a teaspoon of green tea leaves and leave it to steep for two minutes, then strain the tea using a strainer, add a tablespoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey to the drink.

Here are some of the health benefits of drinking green tea with lemon and honey:
1. Treats cold and flu: Lemon is full of vitamin C, green tea is full of antioxidants and honey is antibacterial, all of which improves the immune system in the body, and lemon juice is also known to prevent the effects of cold and cough from the digestive system, so mixing lemon in green tea Not only does it fight the flu, but it also helps fight any colds in the future.
2. Improves digestion: Lemon juice can increase the number of "catechins" that your body takes from green tea by up to 6 times. Catechins improve digestion by better absorption of nutrients in the small intestine.
3. Helps in losing weight: This drink has the ability to burn fat and increase metabolism. Green tea contains EGCG and caffeine, while lemon is rich in pectin fiber that helps fight hunger, while honey contains fewer calories than sugar and prevents Gain calories.
4. Improves skin and hair health: Green tea is rich in antioxidants and vitamins important for skin and hair health. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of honey protect your skin from infections, and vitamins A, F, and C in green tea and lemon stimulate hair growth, while honey maintains moisture. skin.
5. Good for liver health: The lemon in green tea cleanses the liver. This helps in making the liver produce more bile that helps with digestion. In addition, the antioxidants EGCG and EGC in the drink reduce cell damage caused by oxidation.
Regular consumption of this drink can repair damaged liver cells and encourage fresh growth.
The benefits of green tea for diet and the benefits of green tea for weight loss :
Green tea has long been touted as aiding weight loss. It is full of antioxidants and healthy compounds that make this drink popular in Asia and India. Green tea has been shown to help fight breast cancer cells and may help you live longer. For these reasons, it has become a staple of mealtimes and diet plans around the world.
Already incorporating a green tea diet this healthy elixir into a healthy diet plan, it helps you lose weight faster. We'll show you all about the benefits of incorporating green tea into your diet.

First: the health benefits of green tea for weight loss
1. Improving fat burning processes: Green tea refers to chemical changes in the body that help improve fat burning processes. Green tea contains EGCG, which has been scientifically proven to lose weight in the body by burning fats and increasing metabolism.
In a scientific study, participants were given green tea extract before each meal. The results showed that people who consumed green tea extract burned 80 calories per day more than other groups.
A study published in the Journal of Physiology and Behavior found that the antioxidants in green tea help improve fat oxidation, which is the process your body uses to break down stored fats, and green tea catechins have been shown to increase energy levels, metabolism rates and improve liver function.
Green tea stimulates the metabolism process by raising the internal body temperature, which speeds up fat burning to provide more energy. Green tea also triggers the release of cellular fatty acids known as catecholamines, and these compounds block the production of enzymes that slow down the production of fatty acids. Consuming green tea helps break down these fat cells into energy.
2. Eliminates free radicals: One of the reasons green tea is a miraculous beverage is that it helps remove toxins from the body. Free radicals are atoms or molecules that have unpaired electrons, this makes these agents highly reactive at the chemical level. Free radicals mate with damaged cells and can destroy health. They can cause premature aging, certain types of cancer, weight gain and heart disease.
Free radicals cause damage by increasing oxidation, which is the body's form of rust. The compounds in green tea help eliminate these free radicals to improve health and speed up weight loss.
3. Caffeine: Caffeine is a natural stimulant that can increase energy and speed up weight loss. Caffeine wakes you up in the morning by inhibiting a neurotransmitter called adenosine. By blocking this chemical, caffeine also helps release increased levels of dopamine and norepinephrine (happy chemicals that increase energy and alertness). Caffeine also works directly in the muscles to help reduce fatigue.
When it comes to weight loss, caffeine can help you with exercise and may increase exercise performance. An analysis published in the Scandinavian Journal of the effects of caffeine on exercise presented in 21 studies, researchers found that caffeine reduced feelings of fatigue by 29%, meaning that you feel less tired or depleted when you exercise.
Another analysis, published in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise, examined the effects of caffeine on energy in exercise, in which researchers combed 40 studies and found that caffeine improved exercise results by 12.3%. It was found that caffeine is particularly effective in endurance exercises such as running. So drinking green tea can help improve your stamina and stamina to get you exercise for weight loss.
4. Low in calories: One of the best things about green tea is that it is free of calories. You can easily substitute sugary sodas and unhealthy drinks for a cup of green tea.
Benefits of green tea for hair :

Green tea is one of the ingredients that you need to add to your hair care routine to get long, shiny locks. Here are all the benefits of green tea for your hair:

1.Prevents split ends: Split ends in hair are a common problem and indicate weak, dry and brittle hair. Green tea offers a long-term solution to this problem by repairing hair from the roots to the ends, as it contains vitamin B (panthenol) that moisturizes the hair and controls Break the hair and prevent split ends.
2. Add healthy shine: If your hair lacks luster or looks dull, it definitely needs some deep nourishment, when it comes to natural ingredients, green tea is the best you can offer for hair, as it contains Vitamin E that makes hair soft and shiny. And smoothly.
3. Getting rid of dandruff: The anti-inflammatory property of green tea prevents problems related to the scalp, as it removes dandruff from the scalp and other infections, and green tea also protects the hair follicles from becoming clogged with dead skin cells, thus promoting hair growth.
4. Reduce Hair Loss: The caffeine in green tea can help prevent dihydrotestosterone - the hormone mainly responsible for causing baldness, as the anti-inflammatory properties of green tea help prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.
Benefits of green tea with mint :

Drinking green tea is one way to add health benefits to your day. Add a pinch of mint leaves for a pungent flavor and you will get additional medicinal plant compounds.
What are the benefits of consuming green tea with mint

1. Antioxidants: Green tea contains high concentrations of antioxidants such as EGCG that may help fight harmful free radicals in the body that can increase the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

2. Diabetes: Green tea may help in managing type 2 diabetes, a condition in which blood glucose levels rise, according to research published in the March 2008 issue of the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition". This may be due to the effect of green tea polyphenols that mimic It boosts insulin, the hormone responsible for transporting glucose into cells.
Additionally, green tea may boost fat burning, which helps diabetics better control blood sugar levels. All this in addition to the amazing properties of mint leaves that help in treating indigestion and stomach disorders that accompany diabetes symptoms.

3.Cancer prevention: From ancient times, green mint tea was used in Asian countries as a complementary and preventive treatment for some types of cancer, and it may also be useful in lowering cholesterol levels and aiding in weight loss and maintenance.

4. Characteristics of mint: Soaking a few fresh or dried mint leaves adds flavor and additional medicinal properties to green tea, as mint leaves and stems and other types of mint plants contain menthol, which is an oily compound used to taste and smell mint.
Peppermint is used due to its calming and narcotic effect to treat nausea, diarrhea, indigestion and other diseases, in addition to that mint also contains anti-bacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.
Now, you have learned about the benefits of green tea for general health, hair and skin, so make sure to include green tea in your drinks or daily food recipe, to enjoy these tremendous benefits.

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